Campaign "Intervention underway"

The french motorway companies are partners of the new awareness campaign on the dangers faced by professionals who intervene for the safety of road and motorway users.

Watch the campaign film : 

The film is directed by Oscar winner and multi-award winner filmmaker, Jean-Xavier de Lestrade. In his short-film, people who have experienced serious, and sometimes fatal, accidents on the side of a road during an intervention as part of their profession, provide their testimony and tell their moving stories.

The campaign’s prevention message : 

The campaign's prevention message can be translated by : Intervention underway, I slow down, I move over, I avoid the worst.

This campaign is the result of a collaboration between road stakeholders : le ministère de l’Intérieur et des Outre-mer, le ministère de la Transition écologique et de la cohésion des territoires, les sociétés d’autoroutes, les sapeurs-pompiers, le SAMU et l’association des dépanneurs.

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